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DoneDeal SmartReach Social

We manage your Facebook, Instagram & Messenger campaigns saving you money, time & giving you access to DoneDeal’s vast car buyer data to reach highly engaged car buyers. 


There is no time investment required by you.

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How does SmartReach Social work?

Extend your reach outside DoneDeal, increase brand visibility  and drive car buyers on social media to your dealership

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Using your DoneDeal ads we will create social media campaigns targeting car buyers looking for the stock you offer

Car buyer sees your brand on Facebook, Instagram or Messenger and is directed to your stock on DoneDeal

Publish your car ads on DoneDeal

1. Publish your car ads on DoneDeal

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2. Using your DoneDeal ads we will create social media campaigns targeting car buyers looking for the stock you offer

3. Car buyer sees your brand on Facebook, Instagram or Messenger and is directed to your stock on DoneDeal

Why use SmartReach Social

Hassle Free

Run professional social media campaigns with no effort, using content you already have on DoneDeal. The DoneDeal team manage all aspects of setting up & managing the campaign to save you time & effort.

Highly Targeted

Campaigns target car buyers based on interest, location & demographics and segment your DoneDeal stock based on price, make, model & fuel type to ensure you present the most relevant stock to high engaged car buyers

Increased Brand Awareness

Reach relevant car buyers with your high quality, professional & branded content and direct them to your stock on DoneDeal

Cost Effective

Acquire qualified car buyers at low cost per click

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SmartReach Social Examples

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Discover how we can help you

If you want to re-engage high intent buyers close to making a purchase, who have already shown interest in your stock, get in touch. We would be happy to get you set up with SmartReach today. 

DoneDeal gives you more opportunities to build your brand and increase sales. Send us an enquiry to find out the best plan for you or contact our sales team on:

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